September 30, 2010

Genetic Modification equates to Sustainable Development??

High tech, innovative, futuristic – these are the words that we say when we see new tools. These new tools help us to increase our control and understanding of our environment – technology. Technology has come a long way through centuries of discovery: from stone weapons to metals, natural to synthetic, bone fire to electric stoves. A great advancement indeed and it also helped us to live our life easily since technologists, together with scientists, continuously present us new tools.

With the greater public demand to use innovative tools, technologists and scientists seek every possible source of advancement. Perhaps the most recent and controversial technology ever made is the use of genetic engineering. It is the most recent since it is only in the latter part of the 20th century that the genes in the DNA of an organism have been available for scientific studies with the creation of PCR techniques and such. This technology has been controversial because of the ethics behind human manipulation of genes to yield their perspective organisms. Some religious organizations connote these kind of technology as a play of God since the scientists and technologists’ max-and-match the genes of organisms to have the “perfect” organism they can benefit from.  

This technology does not only involved human or animal genes, but it is commonly involved with the genes of plants. Plants that are genetically engineered are called Genetically Modified Plants, or in broader terms, Organisms. Genetic modifications of plants involve the selection and transferring of different genes to make an organism more useful. 
BT Corn

Many critiques argued that, although plants may be altered into more useful organisms, the effects can outweigh the advantages of this technology. In the internet, there is a wide-spread of issues talking about the detrimental effects of the plants - it creates incredibly toxic colons, alters the genetic make up of good bacteria and other various health hazards associated with the consumption of such. It has been a big issue in the worldwide web with all the mockery that can be done to the GMOs. 

Nevertheless, scientists and technologists still pursue the use of such technique that led civilians to compose groups to fight the growth of the industry. Their strongest argument is that the GM plants will help solve famine while caring for the environment. 

In the light of the Philippines Agenda 21 which promotes Sustainable Development, the justification of the existence of the GM plants may be grounded. The society is composed of the civilians, the government and economy together with the natural resources, in whatever endeavor is the framework for the sustainable development and branches out to other dimensions and principles.

In the plus side, the existence of GM plants have made great progress in human development by inculcating new knowledge to the society, therefore, the society grows with them as well as the economy of that certain country. 

However, the negative side is far ahead of the plus side. Human development in the plus side is only in the knowledge or science behind the technology, but human development in terms of life style and longevity are jeopardized by the effects in the health of, not only humans, living things. The spiritual, cultural and moral development is also compromised because the scientists and technologists manipulate the genes of these organisms and some may be greedy and/or overstep the boundaries of science and nature. Societal development in the global cooperation becomes competitive for new products to present which may even lead to warfare which in turn may also compromise the political development. Most importantly, the ecological development of a certain area where Gm plants are grown will be in trouble. The natural flora will be affected if a new organism is introduced to their habitat, especially if the GM plants are pesticide or herbicide-tolerant. The biodiversity of the area may decline because of the mechanism of actions of some genes introduced to the plant. 

With all these issue present and the existing studies that published, we must always think of the consequences of our actions and how we tolerate the actions of others. If we tolerate the genetic manipulation of plants, what will happen to our moral being? Our spirituality? Most importantly, if we eat this things, what will happen in the long-run. We may live to be fifty years old and only then will we ever see the negative effects to our bodies and to the environment. We must always remember there is more than what meets the eye: scientists and technologists may present aesthetic products but has detrimental secrets inside of it. Moreover, it is a no time-limit to science, manifestations of probable effects may only be seen after generations from us. Whatever path we chose on this endeavor, there are always be a feedback, much like the yin of yang, and we must be prepared. 

Natural News Network. (2008). GMOs news and articles. Retrieved September 30, 2010 from 

Ocampo, D. (2008). GMOs Potential threat to Fertility. Greenpeace. Retrieved September 30, 2010 from 

Philipps, T. (n.d.) What are GMOs? Retrieved September 30, 2010 from

Relfe, S. (n.d.). genetically engineered organisms (GMOs): the greatest threat ever to humans and animals. Retrieved September 30, 2010 from

Say No to GMOs Organization. (n.d.) 10 reasons why we don't need GM foods. Retrieved September 30, 2010 from

Whitmann, D. B. (2000). Geneticall modified foods: harmful or helpful? Retrieved September 30, 2010 from

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